Do you know that famous scene from the police investigation films where the case of disappearance or kidnapping is solved with the help of technology? In TV, detectives just enter the internet and in seconds find out where the victim’s cell phone is and find their whereabouts. Well, it seems like it only happens on film right? But, as you know, life imitates art at various times and this is one of them.
A lot of people do not realize it, but that is not just a movie thing, and it is already possible, yes, to have the mobile phone traced remotely through the internet and to know where the carrier is. So if you are one of those who think this is a movie thing, a cop thing, and such techniques would never come in your life, imagine the following example: Something happens to a relative of yours and you cannot reach him or locate it. In that case would not it be nice to have a cell phone tracking device to use?
And it was this feature (and so many others, as we’ll see in the course of the text) that made Xyspy tool become the best mobile crawling app on the market. Learn more about it at
If you do not believe me, calm down, I’ll convince you. First of all we have to say that it is the best application in the WORLD when it comes to parental control applications, software that monitors phones, and of course, applications that do cell tracking. Its quality has already been attested by several companies. Look what one of them has said about it:
“This tool is close to being the most excellent parental control application, particularly designed for parents and guardians to track their children online and control them once they are victims of any harassment.”

Jack is a blogger with a passion for technology who has been writing about the latest in the world of gadgets and gizmos. They are an avid reader of Science-Fiction novels and love to spend time with their wife and kids.