She does not answer your call. She is behaving distantly. He’s not focusing at you as he was in previous times. It goes out of sight for a long time daily and rarely appears. Is he living in another relationship? The question may be too heavy to be sustained. You do not intend to invade your privacy, but you do not like to be unknowingly. Is there anything to do in this situation? Suffer without talking? Would you like to know if your boyfriend or husband is playing a relationship game with you? It can be disturbing pain. It will be less hurting to know that he’s not serious than being unknown. At least, you will get to the reality.
Is it her? You have viewed her discussing with a new guy in the neighborhood. You assume it’s no big deal and just a trite talk. But then she does not answer his call. She is being far apart in relationship. The excitement in your relation looks to be withering away. Is there betrayal in that? You have to reach to the actual truth. The problem of asking if the person you respect is taking an interest in another is like a shot to the brain. You need to discover. It has been going on for a long time.
Is he cheating on you? Is she fooling you? How can you know everything and discover the actual truth for all time so that both can get on with their lives?
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Jack is a blogger with a passion for technology who has been writing about the latest in the world of gadgets and gizmos. They are an avid reader of Science-Fiction novels and love to spend time with their wife and kids.